Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: We would spray, and in small areas, you're not flying high and fast, you're flying low and slow. The fluence will come into the helicopter. We'd be joined to Napoleon, all our gear, all our food. We have sea rations on the helicopters. Our water can be used. Our daily flight gear that we were as we went out the flyer all contaminated. My name is Charles Martin. I'm 69 years old. I served in Vietnam from 1967 through 1968. Oh, please anybody, anybody older ever knew that these contaminants were, that the poisonous. We never even talked about it. We just went out, did our job, came back. At first, I thought it was Agent Orange, but when I looked at the photos with the blue stripes on the barrels, I realized it was agent blue. That's how they can notice two different there was agent blue, Agent Orange, agent purple, age of white, a whole rainbow of colors. Agent blue is the only one that had caki Delic acid, which is arsenic in it. When I first found out that I had bladder cancer, I went to the VA and I wanted to put a claim in and he totally did not even bother. It's not a presumptive list, and they're not going to pay. So at that point, I just let it go, and ten years after I was first diagnosed, the cancer came back and became invasive. They've taken out my bladder, they've taken out my prostate, and I have to wear a pouch now. When I was here in the army, the most honorable thing everything in my whole life served my country. God knows that I'm so proud of that, and nobody could ever do more than...
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Agent orange offspring benefits Form: What You Should Know
You can check Agent Orange benefits for spouses or eligible descendants as well. Agent Orange benefits for Veterans and Their Spouses — DIC A veteran can begin to file DIC when he or she turned age 65. If you are a surviving spouse, you can begin the process for benefits once you are 63 years of age or older. Spouses with disabilities may file a claim for the same benefits as disabled Veterans. Please keep in mind that your spouse must be over 64 years of age and medically qualified, with a current disability rating of 10% or less. When to file the DIC Form? If you are an applicant under age 60, you should file your DIC claim within the first 6 months after your spouse dies. For spouses who are 64 years of age (on or after January 1, 2012), they should file the DIC claim within 6 years after the death of their spouse. DIC claims must be filed within six years after the death of the veteran, except for spouses who died within 30 days of the start of the 6-month period beginning on their first date of service. Spouses with DIC must file by February 1st of the year following the date they died. Spouses can only file DIC claims within the 6-year period beginning on the death date. The claims form is on the website under “Citation Guide.” The form is easy to fill out and will indicate the date you filed your form. If the form is not available, contact your nearest Benefits Administration Office. Once you complete the DIC form, send it via certified mail to: Office of Compensation Insurance, Attn: DIC, P.O.
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